Firefighter Fitness - Tabata Circuit #5 Here's mhanson51 and a training partner performing an intense 4 minute Tabata style circuit with nothing but some floor space, a wall and a 10LB. medicine ball. The Tabata principle is a 4 minute set of work with 8, 20 sec. hard/10 sec. rest intervals. It's great to use for building up endurance as well as get a great quick & intense workout. Tabata Circuit Sequence:Round 1: (20 sec work/10 sec rest) Two-handed pushup off of medicine ball followed by a medicine ball pass to partner. Round 2: (20 sec work/10 sec rest) Hand stand walk along wall. Round 3: (20 sec work/10 sec rest) Two-handed pushup off of medicine ball followed by a medicine ball pass to partner. Round 4: (20 sec work/10 sec rest) Ab crunches with feet against wall. Round 5: (20 sec work/10 sec rest) Two-handed pushup off of medicine ball followed by a medicine ball pass to partner. Round 6: (20 sec work/10 sec rest) Ab crunches with feet against wall. Round 7: (20 sec work/10 sec rest) Two-handed pushup off of medicine ball followed by a medicine ball pass to partner. Round 8: (20 sec work/10 sec rest) Ab crunches with feet against wall. This extreme firefighter workout has been brought to you by:
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